Sunday, April 14, 2013

Relationship That Will Never Break.. insyaAllah..

heloooo guysss, girlsss..
pergh! berhabuk gilerrrrr blog cik om kite nieee.. :3
haaaa,, guest what! i'm not the owner of this blog.. jeng jeng jeng!
tak yah tau laah aku sape.. act, aku saje je nk gedik gedik kt blog cik om niee..
yelaaah die pun dh lama tak update kan.. aku tolong die update.. hehe..

hmmmmmmmmm.. taktau snanye nk cter pasal ape..
pkir jaaap ekkkkkkkkkkk....................................  ting!! idea mari! ^__^

first of all.. aku just nk bgtau yg AKU MISS MAZLOW gilerrrr gileeerrr!!!
masing2 dok busy jee manjang.. even kami busy tp kami tetap cntct each other k.. :)

yg kt matrik busy nk habiskn sisa sisa terakhir kt matrik dorg dgn final lg..yg kt u dh tak sibuk sgt coz kami dh hbs sem 2.. hewhew.. don't be jealous geng! :p
yg kt poli laaaak busy jgk dgn final..
it's okey gurlsss ade masa kite jumpe k.. InsyaAllah.. :)